Body Contouring

Body Contouring 

Body contouring is a field of treatments that seek to shape the body in a completely surgery-free way. These options can destroy fat cells in the most stubborn areas. It’s important to remember that body contouring isn’t a weight loss method, it’s a way to remove fat that has remained resistant to diet and exercise. These targeted, modern methods are not just effective, but usually so simple that you can resume your day-to-day life immediately after having the procedure! Learn more about the body contouring methods we offer below.

Popular options for body contouring


The most requested cosmetic procedure since its FDA approval in 2006, laser lipo combines the effectiveness of the traditional cannula-based liposuction with the technology of lasers, allowing doctors to directly deliver the laser’s power to the fat cells under the skin. While this does involve going beneath the skin, making it slightly more invasive than other options, the results are far quicker and more pronounced as a result.


Cellulaze (semi-invasive)

Specifically meant to attack the unsightly structure of cellulite beneath your skin, this procedure works very similarly to smartlipo by inserting a small cannula under your skin. While also using a laser, this procedure attacks not just fat cells in general, but the lumpy pockets that form from cellulite to give you smoother, flatter skin.

Precision TX

The minimally invasive Precision TX laser can recontour and reshape your neck, jawline and jowls to give you a more defined look without the need for an expensive and surgical option such as a facelift.


Targeted laser energy heats fat cells under the skin without effecting the surface at all. This intense heat damages the structural integrity of the cells, dooming them to be eliminated by the body. After the procedure, the process will begin. For the next 3 months, the damaged fat cells will be naturally eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system. Not only will you see great results in 6 to 12 weeks, but the fat cells won’t grow back!


Call today for more information about our body contouring options.
(573) 483-9700
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